In the museum

In the museum


The items of the ethnographic exposition reflect the village life of the old region of Pasvalys: Agricultural implements, household items, artisans’ work tools, musical instruments, examples of folk art of 19th-20th centuries. Acquaint yourself with the most important rural businesses: agriculture (cultivation of crop and flax), animal husbandry, and beekeeping. Check out the miller’s craft – real stone millstones, a sheaf of linen processed with ancient tools, and weaving looms.  In the cottage of Aukštaitija, where the smell of smoke still lingers, the sounds of the homestead echo from the yard. In the yard, there is an ancient carriage and a…

Skaityti daugiau decoration array
In the museum


The geological peculiarity of Pasvalys region is gypsum rocks and karst processes related to them. A lot of visual geological material can be seen in the terminal that is set up in the sinkhole stand.  The minerals, crystal forms, rocks, animal and plant fossils laid out in the geology exposition provide an insight about the plants and animals that lived millions of years ago. In the exhibition you will also see Lithuanian oil, Anykščiai quartz sand, Baltic amber, trilobite fossil and other valuable exhibits.

Skaityti daugiau decoration array
In the museum


Don’t miss the exposition of history. A lot of discoveries await you here. Legacy of the Stone Age: flint and stone axes, particularly valuable boat-shaped Baltic battle axes, stone agricultural hoes. Iron Age exposition – finds of Ąžuolpamūšė mound, Noreliai cemetery, and Pamiškiai ancient grave. Iron axes, spear tips, a knife, and even a sabre take you back to the battles of Žiemgaliai.  In the exposition of history you will see how Pasvalys, its streets, buildings, and people have changed over the centuries. There is nothing fictional here, everything is historically accurate and verified. The restored old market square has…

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In the museum

Cultural panorama

Kazys Grinius, a doctor and public figure, has noticed that the region of Pasvalys has given Lithuania a lot of famous people. Our exhibits tell the story of dozens of priests and teachers, doctors and politicians, artists and scientists… If we were to present at least one exhibit about more than 1,000 personalities of Pasvalys region, the exhibition area should have to expand many times… A visitor can check out the wooden pelican saved from the burnt church of Saločiai, which is several centuries old, while the calm face of the martyr priest Alfonsas Lipniūnas looks upon him. The ecclesiastical…

Skaityti daugiau decoration array
In the museum

Man of the world – Antanas Poška

Antanas Poška has said: “Only knowledge is the goal of our life.” We also strive for this goal by inviting you to remember one of the most famous Lithuanian travellers, scientist, and Esperanto speaker A. Poška.  The exhibition reflects the different but complementary personalities of A. Poška – a scientist fascinated by undiscovered truths and a traveler possessed by a sense of knowledge. You will be able to obtain the wisdom of a scientist by reading 5 interactive books, which contain the entire life of A. Poška. The “Iž Jupiter 2” motorcycle, which still runs perfectly, will help you feel…

Skaityti daugiau decoration array
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